Wednesday, March 10, 2010

thinking of you

heard your little bubby boy is sick :/
thinking of you, friend. hope jaxon feels better soon so we can play (and so you don't rip your hair out)!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I miss you...How I'd love to sit and chat endlessly about your bundles of joy (both outside the womb and in)...How I'd love to shop with you...what? What's shopping? What's shopping with a friend to bounce feedback off of? No idea...Anywho, Jax is on the mend (I think). At least, he better be with a $45 Rx...yeah, that's right-$45! That was just the copay! What's the stuff made out of? Platinum!?
    Well, I'm sick...but not $45 worth of sick I'll tell you that! Soon we'll be together. I just got your email about mom's group, and as long as we're all relatively healthy, we'll be there! Unfortunately we've run out of options for Friday night sitting for tomorrow's Couples' Group and will pour one out for our homies alone...hmm...alone...that also sounds good=) (As long as babies are not made as a result of it!)
    Ok, I'm rambling. I love, I need you, I can't live without know the drill=)


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