Wednesday, March 31, 2010

She likes to be treated like everyone else...


My daughter is a genius. There, I've said it=)

Ok, that might be overstating it a bit, but I gotta tell you, there is something SO cool about seeing her form letters without any help! Granted, she's following dashes on a page, but a few months back when we got the book, she couldn't do that! She's gained the ability and more importantly the endurance and focus and she actually said, "this is fun!"

Damn straight, it's fun!

When I taught preschool I wasn't particularly blown away when one of my students could write their name, but I have a whole new appreciation now. Not long ago, this almost four year old was a baby, then a toddler...but's a, well, person! Ok, so babies and toddlers are people too...but can they trace to form letters...I think not=)

Next stop, learning to write her name. I think I'm gonna look up the curriculum standards for preschool and start going whole hog with prep at home. My little girl's gonna be the smartest kid in preschool...too much? You're right...too much=)

Seriously, I'm a firm believer in moderation, even in education. Though I want my kids to be all they can be, I don't want them having a coronary before puberty to do so. But isn't it just fun, see our "babies" growing up?


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dear Blog...

Dear Blog,

I'm writing to let you know that I'm ever so sorry I've neglected to write on you in a few millenia. I know I was enthusiastic at your arrival in my life, and I promise you, I remain enthusiastic. You see, sometimes I forget eating, showering, and, oh yeah...blogging. I did want to let you know though that about 50 times a day I have a thought...and then I think (about that thought) that would be a FANTASTIC thing to blog about...but alas, until the internet is hooked up directly into our brains, time will always be of the essence. You may not think it takes much time or effort to open the laptop, make sure I'm connected, log-on, sign-on, and blog, but believe does.

I know, I know...excuses, excuses right? You're right...I'm sorry. Once again, I'm sorry...and I will try harder.


LeeLee (as you sometimes call me)

p.s. I entered a new mom Makeover Contest on Regis and Kelly...who deserves it more than me? Seriously...Or maybe it's who NEEDS it more than me!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

girls night!

so here are a couple ideas for girls night. both of these places appear to have good atmosphere and we could get dressed up and not look like idiots ;) loco is in easton, and alibi is in boston. i guess it'll depend on how much time we have and how adventurous we're feeling!

what do you think??

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

thinking of you

heard your little bubby boy is sick :/
thinking of you, friend. hope jaxon feels better soon so we can play (and so you don't rip your hair out)!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Joy Loves Company


I have to say that I pretty much have not stopped smiling since your fantastic, amazing, most joyous news yesterday! I am overcome with the sense that God has blessed you and your family so much, and you being my best friend, that makes me very happy.

Some people have been teasing me about my overwhelming excitement with your pregnancy saying "misery loves company", and let's face it, the comment is a little justified. I didn't exactly thrill over my own 3rd pregnancy and adding 1 to 2 somehow does seem to make everything a bit more of a project. Yet, honestly, I am furthest from "misery" than I've ever been in my life.

Since Maddie came along I feel like I've been the most happy than ever before. Everyday I look into my children's faces and I see the love of God shining from them. I love to see them interact and I love to feel the pride of being the mother of the little brood. Madelyn is a lovely baby and I honestly can't imagine my life without her, nor do I want to! My relationship with Drew seems to have blossomed within the past few months and I feel like we're more in love than ever.

So, I guess that's why I'm so excited for you. Even though there will be tough days over the next 9 months and well beyond, you can be overcome with joy that God has given you such responsibility, knowing it's nothing you can't handle.

Enjoy this pregnancy as much as you can. I know I will enjoy it because you always look so cute preggers=)

Love you friend!

Enjoy the Joy!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

the waiting game

okay, i have to talk to SOMEONE! and it's cool if i over share with you :)
so i have totally been keeping this inside, not telling anyone, including my husband, which is WAY psycho, but i want it to be a surprise if/when i find out i am pregnant. read on and i'll elaborate.
i was supposed to get my period monday. but i didn't. because i was expecting it, i took a pregnancy test, but it said i wasn't pregnant. so i was totally bummed, this being the first month (i think) i had an idea of when i was ovulating. but's thursday, and still no period. so now i'm just feeling tortured, but not wanting to take another test because i really really feel disappointed when they say i'm not pregnant :/
for the first time i really am getting obsessed with having another baby. i don't know why, and i keep praying that i let God be in control of it, because it's not a process i can just snap my fingers, wish it to be, and POOF! my wish is His command.
i'm waiting. and I HATE WAITING. how long should i wait???

Let's Dress Up...

So, I was there anything better than getting dressed up for no good reason?! Especially when we parade around in "mom gear" most of the time consisting of elastic wastes and oversized tops?? Let's get all dressed up and go out for a cocktail...just the 2 of us...What do you think?

Monday, March 1, 2010

hey baby, what's your sign?

i have a theory about astrology and there being something to it, except i think it's part of God's design, not some wacky thing of the universe. and not ALL of it, but definitely SOME of it. heresy? check out these links and read about our signs. i think there's some truth in them. thoughts??

capricorn (you)

leo (me)