I have to say that I pretty much have not stopped smiling since your fantastic, amazing, most joyous news yesterday! I am overcome with the sense that God has blessed you and your family so much, and you being my best friend, that makes me very happy.
Some people have been teasing me about my overwhelming excitement with your pregnancy saying "misery loves company", and let's face it, the comment is a little justified. I didn't exactly thrill over my own 3rd pregnancy and adding 1 to 2 somehow does seem to make everything a bit more of a project. Yet, honestly, I am furthest from "misery" than I've ever been in my life.
Since Maddie came along I feel like I've been the most happy than ever before. Everyday I look into my children's faces and I see the love of God shining from them. I love to see them interact and I love to feel the pride of being the mother of the little brood. Madelyn is a lovely baby and I honestly can't imagine my life without her, nor do I want to! My relationship with Drew seems to have blossomed within the past few months and I feel like we're more in love than ever.
So, I guess that's why I'm so excited for you. Even though there will be tough days over the next 9 months and well beyond, you can be overcome with joy that God has given you such responsibility, knowing it's nothing you can't handle.
Enjoy this pregnancy as much as you can. I know I will enjoy it because you always look so cute preggers=)
Love you friend!
Enjoy the Joy!
Oh, I am enjoying the joy, my friend...thank you for your words! they make me even more excited!
ReplyDeleteit's funny that people are teasing you about being excited. and it's also funny to me how many people think that having more than one or two kids is crazy. lol. i remember you talking about that when you first got pregnant with maddie. people are funny.
so thanks for celebrating with me! i feel like God really is blessing us despite some of the stressful or difficult things that are happening alongside the discovery of a 5th stratton. life is so SO good.
it's also good to have someone who has "gone forth" before me to shed light on the, say, trickiness 3 can bring, and you know what? i can see your joy in motherhood (and wifehood) lately, and joy is so infectious! i'm glad that God i being so good to you because like you said, your joy is my joy :)
i love new life in the spring and the new life in me. it's so awesome. i'm really looking forward to these next months and dare i say it- being pregnant! famous last words, but i really can't even put a lid on my giddiness. it's overflowing!
love you. like, a lot :)